Born and bred in Transylvania (Romania), Sándor Nagy is a trilingual, transdisciplinary artist who is presently residing, studying, and working in Glasgow, Scotland.
Over the years, Nagy has been involved in Performance Art, Land & Nature Art. Depending on the situation, inspiration, and type of project, he paints and creates Fine Art Photographs, Chemigrams, or Experimental Short Films.
Although he employs a range of contemporary tools, supplies, and techniques for every project, his methodology is constant. In a world that is continuously changing due to tremendous advances in technology and unbelievable strains on the environment, Nagy is often questioning our connection to the land and even exploring our loss of connection to the land. He wants to blur the lines between concepts and thinks that some issues just cannot be handled by one method.
Nagy believes that energy connects us within space and time to each other, to our planet, and cosmos. In particular, while he is experimenting and fusing various mediums. Nagy finds calm and fulfillment in the creative process. His art has always included performance and ritual in crucial ways.
Nagy began his career by participating in several art camps, residencies, and exhibitions. He has since participated in innumerable international group exhibitions and held a personal exhibition at the Székely National Museum in Sepsiszentgyörgy, Transylvania region, Romania, and one in Budapest, Hungary.
In the past years, Nagy has worked in the Scottish educational sector, but throughout his career, he has engaged in various creative endeavors. He operated a handmade business crafting and designing home decorations and unique bags. Additionally practiced Icon painting in Romania, Hungary, and Malta. For 11 years in Hungary, he created new frescoes and restored old ones for a living. Also worked as a freelance wedding photographer in Romania and as a product photographer in the UK and Malta.
Nagy currently works in the educational sector, he volunteers across several organizations, and he is a student and an active artist. He is a keen cyclist and he advocates for lifelong learning. In the past years, he focused particularly on Fine Art Photography and Nature Art.


The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
- 2023 - 2026 BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography
West College Scotland, Paisley, Scotland
- 2021 - 2023 Higher Photography Course, A Grade
School of Art Brasov, Brasov, Transylvania region, Romania
- 2000 - 2002 Diploma in Painting
- 2001 - 2002 Visual Art Course
ETNA Foundation Sf. Gheorghe, Transylvania region, Romania
- 2000 - 2002 ÉLŐ-TÉKA/Living-Archives screenings by Gusztáv ÜTŐ

Sándor Nagy holds worldwide public and product liability, as well as professional indemnity insurance for up to £5,000,000.​​
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